Wednesday, 31 October 2007

accept all happiness from me

I've been continuously tweaking this since I signed up and, worse still, i expect a full overhaul when Simon sees it. I've become slightly obsessive over fonts.

I'm back on the old Cubase at home and starting to rattle off rough demos - even though this whole band idea is still vague in some senses, we do have lots of cohesive ideas.

Simon performed in his solo acoustic guise last night; clever turns of phrase, emotive lyrics and well-crafted melodies are wasted on an open-mic audience. Later on, watching a bedwetting singer-songwriter type who seemed incapable of forming consonents, i felt very sad.

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Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Be Bold! Be Strong!

Welcome to the 'band 4' blog.

This is a new project that me and Simon are working on, so called because I wanted a working title so bad that there is absolutely no chance of it sticking. This will be the fourth band we have been involved with - the name, and subsequently the name of this blog, will be changed when a suitable idea springs to mind.

I aim to document our progress *here* for the time being and I may make the updates more edgy as time goes on. I really need a ribbon for my typewriter.

So, the aim for this band is a return to the poppy sensibilities of some of our past work, but darker, subtler and... more Scandinavian-sounding. I think it's the way forward :D

We've had a couple of promising sessions (i don't really know what to call them, it's not really a practice and i can't stand the phrase 'jam session') and Simon has a bagful of ideas; although after last night we may scrap all the half-finished songs we were developing, for a more brooding collection.

Meanwhile I will try and determine the best course of action for home recording - when, where and using what equipment?

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